Public facilities use renewable energy with the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Barcelona Provincial Council promotes renewable energy in municipalities: biomass and solar energy. Renewable energy sources contribute to the goal of creating net-zero energy buildings (NZEB) in municipalities. In other words, buildings with practically zero consumption or that may even generate more energy than they use. Most of the renewable energy sources installed in public facilities are solar panels for electricity and biomass in the form of pellets or wood chips to supply heat. With the installation of biomass boilers and heating networks in municipal buildings, municipalities contribute to the prevention of fires, to the local economy, creating jobs and reducing energy dependence whilst making large economic savings and significantly reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. The installation of solar panels enables electricity to be generated using solar radiation. This energy can be used to sustain the building itself or could be transferred to the power grid and, depending on the regulations in force, be purchased by electrical suppliers be given a credit or be compensated for subsequent consumption through a net balance system. MORE INFORMATION