201 municipalities with 20.000 or fewer inhabitants and 2 EMDs (Entitats Municipals Descentralitzades) receive the Data Protection Officer (DPO) support from the Barcelona Provincial Council. The data protection officer (DPD) support allows local entities to have information, advice and supervision of compliance with data protection regulations. It also involves cooperating and acting as a single contact point of the Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) and with people interested in all matters related to the processing of their personal data carried out by local entities. 
Recipients of this benefit are the municipalities and local territorial entities smaller than the municipal level of the province of Barcelona. The service offers general advice on matters of data protection, monitoring compliance with data protection obligations and awareness-raising and training of staff involved in processing operations, support in processing of procedures with APDCAT and transfer of relevant data protection information through communications, awareness notes and security alerts.